giovedì 18 dicembre 2014

Proposte di Natale /4

Un pensiero per lettori in lingua inglese: questo bel librone, uscito da poco in edizione economica ma non ancora tradotto in italiano, ha una copertina dorata e un titolo invitante... The book of strange new things.

Michel Faber è l'autore (avete mai letto niente di lui? A me ispira molto), e questa è la trama: 

I am with you always, even unto the end of the world . . .' 
Peter Leigh is a missionary called to go on the journey of a lifetime.

Leaving behind his beloved wife, Bea, he boards a flight for a remote and unfamiliar land, a place where the locals are hungry for the teachings of the Bible - his 'book of strange new things'. It is a quest that will challenge Peter's beliefs, his understanding of the limits of the human body and, most of all, his love for Bea. 

The Book of Strange New Things is a wildly original tale of adventure, faith and the ties that might hold two people together when they are worlds apart. This momentous novel, Faber's first since The Crimson Petal and the White, sees him at his expectation-defying best.

Mi ispira ed entra velocemente nella mia wish list!
Per prenotare online sta diventando un po' tardi, ma fate ancora in tempo a comparlo in libreria...

The book of strange new things - Michel Faber
592 pagine - Canongate Books
19,90 euro (circa)

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